Individual Ayurveda Consultation & Customized Guideline


  • Consultation/ 55 minutes (face-face or via remote call)
  • Personal and customised holistic guideline with all information you need
  • Tongue diagnosis via 2 photos you send me via mail or WhatsApp
  • Body-Type/ Dosha analysis (you get to know your body type and more)
  • Unlimited WhatsApp Support for 14 days  (ask me questions, send me photos of your foods, products, ingredient list, etc )
  • Feel free to send me photos of your food, products, etc and receive quick feedback

As an Ayurvedic practitioner I can help you with ;

  • Stress management
  • Digestion
  • Food and Diet
  • Skin balance
  • Bone health
  • Clarity of mind
  • Seasonal routines
  • Foods specific to your dosha/ body type and health concerns


After the consultation I will work on a customised guideline for you. This is a 15-20 page personal and FULLY customised guideline that I prepare for you.

The guideline includes full information about your body-type/dosha, imbalances, if any and any specific information you need for your current health situation.

The guideline also includes food suggestions for your personal body-type, information about what imbalances your specific body type is prone to, and anything additional you may wish to have in your guideline.

The personalized guideline will help you improve your health, balancing your body and wellbeing.