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I often get questions about meat and dairy when I talk about health, food and Ayurvedic lifestyle. There isn’t one answer to whether dairy and meat is bad for you. However, there is plenty of research that shows that a diet high in dairy and meat (beef, salami, sausages, smoked meat, pork and lamb) is associated with the elevated risks for cancer, especially colon cancer and pancreatic cancer.

The amount of hormonal residue and antibiotics in chickens is another concern for human health.

In Ayurveda meat and dairy is considered heavy and acidic. When a diet is heavy and high in acidity it can push a Kapha or Pitta imbalance in the bodily systems. The first signs, which I see when a client has a Kapha or Pitta imbalance, meaning a beginning stage of a “dosha accumulation” is:

Digestive problems

Inflammation of the sinuses

Sinus pressure or sinus headaches

Mucus accumulation

Joint inflammation (caused by high acidity and internal heat)


Acid reflux

Skin rashes or skin diseases

Toxicity in the internal organs (shows in the tongue diagnosis. Discover hidden truth in your tongue HERE)


meat and dairy


Heavy foods increase Kapha but can also increase the acidity levesl in the body, which aggravates pitta dosha/the pitta body constitution. When the body feels sluggish it can be a sign that the system is overloaded (toxins).

It may also be a sign of a Kapha imbalance. For someone who is pre-dominant Pitta, a diet high in meat and dairy can cause inflammation in the joints or skin issues.

To maintain a healthy and balanced body, I suggest to go “meat free” 3-4 times a week. Increase cooked or steamed vegetables and get your proteins from pulses and whole-grains such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, barley, quinoa.

If you love dairy, try to introduce goats cheese in your diet. However, I don’t recommend anyone to eat dairy products every day. If you enjoy meat with your meals, try to eat light meat, such as turkey or chicken. And choose organic when possible to avoid pesticides and chemicals.

If you feel sluggish, low on energy and chronically tired, try to remove dairy and meat from your diet for at least one month. Increase wholefoods, grains and foods with energy and colors.


5 things to do if you feel inflamed or sluggish:

1. Turmeric, include turmeric in your food or tea. It helps to cleanse the system
2. Cumin and fennel, include these spices to enhance digestion
3. Gentle Meditation to reduce fatigue and heavy energy
4. Reduce meat and dairy for at least 1 month
5. Go to bed before midnight, wake up no later than 9am

If you are curious to know more about your individual dosha (body type), and/or imbalances and what you can do to reduce stomach bloating, constipation, sluggishness, acidity, mucus or any other lifestyle imbalance, feel free to email me and ask me any questions related to how you feel.

You can also book an online Ayurveda health consultation .


Stay healthy and happy,



Dairy and meat: An Ayurvedic perspective




Reduce heavy energy and anxiety from your body and mind.  10 min a day can do wonders to your system.



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